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Security even when it comes to the gadgets we hold is an important aspect. Everyone desires to keep their belongings secure. That's why we enable password protection and any other form of protection like using patterns in our Android Smartphone.

But this gets frustrating when someone else attempts to unlock your and ends up filling in the wrong password or drawing the wrong pattern beyond the provided number of chances to fill in a correct one. You then have your phone locked.  The phone usually asks for an Email Address and Password of the owner since that's the account the owner must have been using to do most of the activity in his phone like receiving Mails, installing Apps from Play Store,  Watching Videos using the YouTube Apps... among others.

This is done to verify that the credentials entered are indeed that of the owner. They are matched with those in the Google Accounts database so that the phone can be unlocked.
Of course, for all this to happen, the user must have a working internet connection. Now that's where the major issue  lies. With the phone in it's locked state, the user isn't granted access to Network and Wireless settings to Turn On  Wi-Fi in case it was Off before the phone was locked.
In that case,  entering and Email Address and Password Credentials will be of no use since there won't be an internet connection to assist have them verified. The user will then think of hard-resetting which will erase all data saved on phone.

SIDEBAR PLUS will come in handy. This App will still be able to perform  certain tasks even when the phone is locked. By configuring it right, the user can have the ability to toggle Wi-Fi, meaning that Wi-Fi can be turned on even when the phone is locked. This will enable the user to have their Account details verified while connected to a working wireless internet connection. Wireless internet connection can as well be provided by another Android Phone when it's Portable Hotspot is enabled.
No data stored in phone will be lost in the process of unlocking the phone.


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